Do I Really Need Coaching?

Start by asking yourself these questions

Are you ready to take a step?

Are you at a crossroads in life?

Do you want to take your leadership and team to the next level?

Do you want to make a difference?

Do you want to change the direction of your life?


What can coaching do for me?

Here's what our clients have to say

Before Coaching

“I’m overwhelmed and burned out.”

“Feeling stuck.”

“Angry… tired.. I couldn’t sleep.

“Not sure what to do.”

“I feel unappreciated in my job.”

“My life feels unbalanced.”

After Coaching

“I feel energized by our conversations!”

“I feel out of the negative loop – unstuck.”

“I’m sleeping better than I have in months!”

“I’m more focused and more intentional!”

“I’m feeling hope for the first time… I feel lighthearted.”

“I’m getting to live life on my own terms, my creativity is back!”

Before Coaching

“I’m overwhelmed and burned out.”

“Feeling stuck.”

“Angry… tired.. I couldn’t sleep.

“Not sure what to do.”

“I feel unappreciated in my job.”

“My life feels unbalanced.”

After Coaching

“I feel energized by our conversations!”

“I feel out of the negative loop – unstuck.”

“I’m sleeping better than I have in months!”

“I’m more focused and more intentional!”

“I’m feeling hope for the first time… I feel lighthearted.”

“I’m getting to live life on my own terms, my creativity is back!”

“I left that call so buoyant and filled with hope; knowing there is a path forward sometimes is the battle itself.” 


Is Kathy the right coach for me?

More from our Clients

“You have a super power to connect with people.”

“You are very authentic, you listen, then ask questions to get people to really think…”

“You are really good at encouraging people to dream big and think outside the box!” 

“What stands out to me is your communication style and ability to meet someone right where they are at.”

“…you want to do everything in your power to make a positive difference in our lives.”

“Great listener… I felt heard and seen.”

Are you ready to get started?

Book Your Complimentary 30-Minute Discovery Call

Let’s talk about where you are and where you’d like to be!