Hi, I'm Kathy.
Learn from the corporate alpaca ice cream lady - an impact coach for leaders!
I help high achieving, hard-working business leaders who are busy, overwhelmed, and conflicted to find clarity, a healthier work/life balance, and goal-focused next steps so they can live a more joyful fulfilled life while serving others and living out the priorities that matter most.
Hi, I'm Kathy.
Learn from the corporate
alpaca ice cream lady
I teach business executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals how to build meaningful relationships and develop strong leadership skills through coaching, training, and interactive masterclasses.

a letter from the ceo, kathy kasten
Hello Friend, I am so glad you are here! I am passionate about helping professionals and entrepreneurs just like you. I believe that each of us can choose to live, give, and love more fully every day, and that we can learn and improve our skills and understanding one step at a time.

Irresistable Resources

5 Steps to Better Priorities
Refocus on the important things with this complete workbook.